What is it to co-create belonging and connection in my immediate world?
Who do I choose to be on this earth and to others in these times?
How do I walk with curiosity, humility, and care for all inhabitants of the earth?
What is it that I bring that is uniquely mine to offer?
These are the questions we ask under the vein of the Unbroken Rainbow. Within this I create images, spaces, writings, and conversations that call out to us to remember that we belong. To the earth. And to each other.
I create stickers, coloring book pages, children’s books illustrations, prints, blog entries, murals, and installations. I intend to expand into creating patches, pins, postcards, posters, clothing, novellas, and murals. I create spaces and conversations to connect and reflect virtually, in person, around the fire, and in the natural world. I will expand these opportunities to galleries, shelters, jails, and to a wide range of public and private spaces. I will bring these images, spaces, and conversations to as many individuals as possible to counteract the systems of oppression in our times that seek to sever our knowing that we belong. To the earth. And to each other.
I acknowledge the indigenous people as the original and current keepers of this knowledge of belonging and the natural world, and the incredible violence they continue to face from colonization, capitalism, and white supremacy. In this, I commit to gifting 50% of the profit from every tip and purchase of my studio work and 10% of every Patreon pledge, commission, fundraiser, and grant to indigenous-led groups whose work supports these traditions to flourish and thrive for generations to come.
prismacolor marker/gold acrylic pen/bristol paper
All works are ©2024. Please do not use without permission.