
In my invitations, space-holding, listening, and accompaniment, I hold the following as my guiding pillars:

Your relationship to Spirit is yours and yours alone and requires no other person to act as an intermediary in your understanding of Spirit and the way you experience it.

You embody that which is sacred just as you are and you belong here in the center of life.

You have a right to be in exploration of your relationship with spirit and to feel safe as you do so.

You are necessary and needed in this world.

You are whole.

Why Do I Offer This Work?

  • I believe that there are multitudes of ways to be in relationship with the Sacred, and that the Sacred manifests in many forms.
  • I believe that it is our inherent right to explore a relationship with the Sacred and to discern what it means to us individually. 
  • I believe that it is our birthright to nourish our spiritual well-being and that it is critical to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 
  • I believe that being in a relationship with the Sacred brings us closer to ourselves and to each other and that this is the doorway to healing and a better way of life for us now and for generations to come. 
  • I believe that the generational and present-day trauma of those who sit at the intersection of race, class, and gender oppression are often not acknowledged or witnessed inside of a spiritual context and that this is a necessary part of the equation in breaking down the systems of capitalism and white supremacy.