In partnership with Transhealth, join us for a series of inclusive, caring, and connected evenings of virtual community building.
Virtual Deep Listening Circles for the LGBTQIA+ Community
In a deep listening circle, the experience is one of inclusion and care. An intimately-sized group co-creates and defines the values, practices, and questions that are important during our time together. Moving from ‘I’ statements and inside of a confidential space, there is a choice to share to the degree that feels best to each person, including choosing to sit in silence for a moment or simply passing to allow the next person to speak, with no pressure, expectations, or judgment. What rises from each round of sharing feeds and informs the next round of sharing and listening. This is a space of exploring and re-weaving your stories, a place of resonance with others and deep acceptance for the wholeness of who you are.
Grow another root of your Queer & Trans community virtually by joining this intimate gathering of 6-8 people from across the country! Together we’ll co-create a culture of care, joy, vulnerability, and connection as we dive into what needs to be spoken about from the heart of our lives in these times, laugh together, and learn from each other. New cohorts start every other month.
All members of the LGBTQIA+ community near and far are welcome to gather in this virtual space. Only 8 – 10 spaces are available in each series of 4 circles.
To Register: Complete this form and submit payment OR contact me at [email protected] to register for the series of circles you are interested in. Payment will be due via Venmo, Paypal, or check if e-payment is not possible.
Accessibility: If you have accessibility needs related to connecting in a virtual forum such as Zoom, please email me at [email protected] or message me @_mrudder_ on Instagram, and I will gladly work with you over email or via phone to determine how we can best meet your needs.

Thursdays: 3/23, 4/6, 4/20, & 4/27, 7-8:30 PM EST
The first 5-10 minutes are an opportunity to settle in and casually connect with others. From there we will move into creating the container for our Circles and into Dialogue. There is no predetermined focus for our time together; this is an opportunity to give voice to whatever you are carrying into the space, listen for resonance and support others.
Via Zoom. Sliding Scale: $8 – $100 for the full series paid in advance; participants commit to attending all 4 circles.

Mondays: 3/20, 4/3, 4/17, 5/1, 7:30 – 9:00 PM EST
The first 5-10 minutes are an opportunity to settle in and casually connect with others. From there we will move into creating the container for our Circles and into Dialogue. There is no predetermined focus for our time together; this is an opportunity to give voice to whatever you are carrying into the space, listen for resonance and support others.
Via Zoom. Sliding Scale: $8 – $100 for the full series paid in advance; participants commit to attending all 4 circles.